

Biomechos is the intersection of Bios and Mechos sciences, and it's at the core of most surviving technologies post-Disaster. In short, Biomechos devices combine living components with inanimate parts to create a greater whole.

A scientist in the field of Biomechos is typically called a Biomechomer.

Typical Applications

Biomechos was a popular field of study before the Disaster, as it allowed for the creation of machines capable of simple thoughts and reactions. This made technology more adaptable than Mechos alone would have allowed. Bios components typically performed the device's core functions, while the integrated Mechos components provided stability of form and function[1].

Computers in particular benefited from Biomechos research, as pure Mechos computers were not developed until shortly before the Disaster. Instead, simple Bios "brains" performed calculations using a Mechos "shell". Simple computers were little more than a few clusters of nerves with programmed reflex reactions to mechanical stimuli, while advanced computers were arguably sentient beings in their own right.

If cared for, the Bios components of a device will continue to function as best they can without Mechos support, and repair of the Mechos components can restore these devices to full functionality. This makes them prime targets for scavengers looking to restore old technologies.


[1]: To use a crude metaphor: you'd probably do what you were told if someone put a shock collar on you.

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